Terms of Use

thetop10.in is a dynamic portal publishing latest news and updates on various topics. Apart from news, the website is covering articles like tips, how to guide, and tutorials pertaining to various topics. By using this website, the visitors or readers automatically agree to the terms of use and other conditions given in these websites.

These conditions and terms are established here in order to ensure proper use of the website. The views and information published on this website are either personal views of the readers or news gathered from other authorized sources. Readers may or may agree with the views presented on this website.

If any user or reader does not agree with our terms, we request them not to use our website.

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thetop10.in is a team of passionate writers and editors. We also invite interested bloggers to contribute their original content on our website. At the same time, we suggest our visitors read the information published on this website with the aim of enhancing their knowledge.

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Though we respect individual views and experience of our readers and authors, we do not encourage writers and visitors to spread unruly stories, baseless rumours, and prejudices against any particular group. We encourage our authors to provide correct information based on their knowledge, experience, and available sources.

thetop10.in has a legal right to reject, remove, and edit any disruptive content. Any content which we feel is not appropriate will be removed from the website without any prior notice to the readers and authors. The website will not be liable to anyone for removing the contents not appropriate as per our policies.

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thetop10.in is formed to provide information related to India and the world in various categories. We will be publishing or posting information penned by our writers. Though we try our best to provide only facts and true information gathered from authorised sources, we do not give 100% guarantee for the accuracy of the information. We solemnly request our readers or users of the website to read our posts only for information purpose.

Any tips and remedies and the contents thereabout pertaining to health, beauty, diet, and other topics are given solely on the basis of the knowledge and information of our writers. These tips are suggestive and should be taken as guidelines. The effects can vary from individual to individual based on their body constituency and physical well-being. We request users to follow any such tips and techniques solely with their own will and responsibility or after consulting a related expert. The website or the publishers or the authors cannot be made responsible or liable for any result.

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